Sunday, September 24, 2017

Miniature room and terrain

Lately Jove is into making these things.

First he made this room.

Then another miniature room.

After that, about last week, he had some sort of idea to make a miniature rapids (like the one we went through at the end of August. He couldn't wait for me to buy him white glue, so he just made the terrain using papier mache made from flour, water, and shreded newspaper. The next day, unpleasant smell came from the stuff, even after we dried it under the sun for hours.

So he scraped that up and made a new one using white PVA glue and shredded newspaper. When the terrain was dry, he painted it using acrylic paint. Added some coffee grounds. Then he experimented making the water using epoxy glue + white glue + glue gun glue (?). He asked for a cup of sand from a neighbor who was renovating. Asking for a sieve to sift the sand and mix them with green acrylic paint for the trees and shrubberies and grass. It has been about a week and he's still working on this.

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