Tuesday, August 26, 2008

doc hudson

Jove was addicted to Pixar's CARS. He used to watch the movie everyday (could be twice a day if I let him). Thankfully, the addiction wore off (after a month or so, and I've almost memorized the dialogue). But he is still very fond of one car, Doc Hudson. I don't understand why it is just this one car, but maybe it's about taste.

He often asked me to play whatever short animation of Doc Hudson that I could find in You Tube. Or to find its pictures online. Through Google, I found out a lot about the real Hudson Hornet and its pictures. Jove loved to browse through the pictures. He would just sit there, on my lap, in front of the notebook, and watch the slide show of Hudson Hornets that I found in the internet.

One day, we were in a toy store when he noticed a Hornet among other Hot Wheels cars on the shelves. He asked for it, and we bought it for him. More than a month has passed since then and there has not been a day when he did not play with his beloved Hornet. He called it Doc Hudson and brought it with him almost everywhere. He would ask us to put the car in the fridge/freezer when it became too warm on his hand. Papa and Ama have bought him two other new Hot Wheels car since then, but he liked them less. Doc Hudson is still the best.

I have to say that this fascination amazed me a lot. Even his father do not share as much enthusiasm as him regarding cars. So, where does it come from?